UCSD San Diego Supercomputer Center

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UCSD hosts many summer camps, one of which is at the Supercomputer Center. There are a variety of camps to choose from. The students are kept on-task, and have a lunch break at noon. No snack or lunch is provided. Also, there isn’t much medical staff at the camp. This camp was fun, you just need to bring a lunch.

PARENT REVIEW – When we compare the camp offerings of all the summer camps in our review, UCSD SDSC offers the most challenging, and fun technical camps. While they do offer some coding type courses, it’s their engineering courses that really shine. The camps are all at one location, the famous supercomputer center at UCSD. Although there is a cafeteria on campus, the kids will need to bring their lunches. There are student volunteers that keep a watchful eye on all the kids.

What we're rating - Maximum score is 5
  • Medical Staff
  • Student to Teacher Ratio
  • Student Safety
  • Ease of Parking
  • Ease of Pickup
  • Student Enjoyment
  • Early Drop off and Late Pickup


To get a more comprehensive look at the summer camps and ratings, click on the links below.